21 Days to Kick This Habit

Iā€™ve been feeling like the song listā€™s been a little eclectic lately. This one might center it a little, since itā€™s pretty simple all-around. Itā€™s about taking 21 days off from a relationship to break the addiction/habit/inertia.

I tried this a couple times, one well over 20 years ago. It doesnā€™t work. I figured out later the science actually suggests it takes 66 days (even worse, the standard deviation is highā€”by person, it can range from 18 days to 250+). ā€œ66 Days to Kick This Habitā€ didnā€™t have quite the same ring to it, even with the right number of syllables. So a magical 21 it is.

We took off ā€œUnjustifiedā€ this week.

As always, thanks for the support.

Stolen Time

This was one of the first 10 that were posted four and half years ago, and it definitely had one of the better responses. I didnā€™t comment on what this song was about at the time, and Iā€™ll stick to that this time, butā€¦ itā€™s inspiration isnā€™t quite what it seems.

I think this one came out as one of the better songs overall.

We took off ā€œSo Much To Loveā€ this week. Thanks for listening.


This is one of my favorites. The lyric is effectively an ā€œarenā€™t I better than that guy?ā€ narrative, except the answer is no–the narrator had a chance and blew it. In the end, they now recognize thereā€™s some bitter symmetry between their own mistakes and the expected failures/weaknesses of the follow up person.

At the start of writing it, I had an obtuse Elvis Costello-like lyric, packing way too much into 32 lines. It took me a bunch of months to finalize it, taking out planks in the narrative to compact the story. It was a definitely a challenge.

We took down ā€œYou Chose With Meā€ this week. Thanks again for listening.

Don’t Give A Damn What’s Right

Wellā€¦I donā€™t remember this one. Usually, when I write something and Iā€™ve forgotten about it, the first time I hear it again, I remember the key. I always remember the key. This one? I donā€™t remember the writing process (though I have a couple draft versions), donā€™t remember what triggered itā€¦and didnā€™t even remember the key.

Of course, the funny thing isā€¦I actually like this one, and was happy to discover Iā€™d written it at some point.

We took off ā€œHard To Give Upā€ this week. Thanks for listening.

One Night Fling

This is about regretting a one night stand because the event painted the narrator as someone who wanted a conquest instead of a deeper relationship. I had a friend recently tell me about a situation like this, where the woman wanted to have the one night fling, and he didnā€™t want to start off the relationship that way.

This one took a while to writeā€”it was a hard topic to try to fit into a song structure.

We took off ā€œOverindulgeā€ this week. Thanks for listening.